01443 412248
Vocational learning
at Llancaiach Fawr
With the marked increase in vocational courses on offer, Llancaiach recognises that many schools and colleges are looking for training targeted to specific topics or educational objectives.
We have, therefore, developed a range of specialist training suitable for students of all ages studying specific courses.
These include a tour of the Manor House focused on a particular topic or theme followed by a workshop with our Education Officer and supporting paperwork for each student to reinforce learning and suggestions for further development.
We offer a tour and workshop targeted to this core topic highlighting the changes from a rural society through intense industrialisation and its aftermath.
Welsh Bacc workshops tailored to particular requirements are available on request. Please contact Louise Griffith, Learning Officer 01443 412248.
Tour and workshop giving either a general overview of the operation of an award-winning tourist attraction or with the emphasis on specific topics such as communication, marketing or customer service.
£8 per student (minimum group size is 15)
Tour of the Manor and workshop on the Philosophy of Live Interpretation and the use of first-person interpretation techniques at Llancaiach Fawr. A talk about the reasons for using this method and the quality and appropriateness of museum theatre. Followed by a question-and-answer session.
30 minutes. Cost is £8 per student (minimum group size is 15)
We can offer bespoke combinations of any of the above themes (plus those listed on the Foundation – KS3) and/or would be happy to tailor tours and workshops to particular themes and topics.
We offer short or longer term placements.
For any of the above please contact Louise Griffith, Learning Officer with your requirements or suggestions. 01443 412248.